Circumcision is the surgical procedure to remove the foreskin from the baby’s penis head. This surgical approach has various benefits as it reduces the risk of getting urinary tract infections at later stages of life. It’s just for the babies but the adults and old men, even get this surgical approach.
In many cases, the circumcision approach is used after birth and people consider this to be for medical, religious, & cultural reasons. Moreover, this procedure is performed in the first week when the baby is born.
In India, the cost of circumcision is around Rs 30,000. To know about the exact amount which you need to pay, get in touch with our Dr. C Vijay Kumar and know better what the exact amount for your condition will cost you.
For pain relief, the doctor will give you acetaminophen. The later stages of the surgery look like this:
Initially, the doctor will break up the foreskin from the penis head. Later, the surgical tool named scalpel is used to extract that extra skin out from the penis head. In total, the procedure takes 20 minutes.
Here are some of the key factors which tell that circumcision provides various health benefits:
In certain cases, the doctor suggests either to delay or not get it all & the reasons which points to the same are:
Well! Being a surgical procedure the chances of complications are there but not that common, especially when you take proper care of your overall health. There are a few situations which point that you need to consult the doctor:
Being a surgical procedure, there are several concern among the transgender on what approach is best for them or not. No doubt, it is pretty evident that circumcision is an ideal approach for patients to feel better about themselves. If you want to know more about the surgery or how your treatment plan will be, then schedule your initial consultation with our health expert.
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