Female Feminization Surgery


Facial feminization surgery is a process of making the facial features more feminine. It includes an extended range of procedures such as jaw reduction, nose reshaping and cheek augmentation. Many people wonder how facial feminization can help them become their true selves and what is the procedure of this surgery. In this blog, you will learn all about facial feminization surgery people acquire as a treatment for gender dysphoria

What is Facial Feminization Surgery? 

Facial feminization surgery alters the features of your face to make it appear more feminine. It may take one surgery or a series of procedures to get the appearance you desire. 


It reshapes the bones, cartilage and soft tissue in order to soften your facial features. The most common features people enhance with FFS are nose, jaw, forehead and hairline. 


Who Can Have Facial Feminization Surgery?

An individual who is physically healthy can opt for feminising facial surgery without worrying about any complications. 


It is also for people who want to understand transgender surgery and are seeking ways for gender affirmation. 


Who Shouldn’t Have Facial Feminization Surgery?

  • You may not be fit to have facial feminization surgery if:
  • You are below the age of 18.
  • You don’t have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • You have a health condition that may lead to complications during or after the surgery. 


Procedure Details

How to Prepare for Facial Feminization Surgery?

Your doctor will conduct several tests to thoroughly evaluate your physical health before the procedure. It is necessary to rule out the risk of any health condition that may hinder the process, causing complications during and after the procedure. They will also enquire about your goals and expectations from the procedures to set realistic expectations for you after the recovery. The discussion is crucial to be sure that you and your surgeon are on the same side and are able to aggressively understand one another. The ways your provider ensures you are fit for the surgery are:

  • Assessing your lifestyle, including consumption of alcohol or smoking. 
  • Examining your physical health with lab tests. 
  • Identifying the risk of complications during and after the procedure.  
  • Review your current scenario of medications and allergies you may have. 


The surgeon may also perform some imaging scans to acquire images of the bones and soft tissues of your face and skull. Your face will be measured, and photographs will be taken of you to determine the quality of your skin. 

What Happens During Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization offers a unique journey for every individual. The type of features you are seeking to enhance determines the procedure. You can have one surgery or multiple, depending on your requirements:

  • Hairline lowering
  • Forehead contouring
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Lip lift and augmentation
  • Chin reduction
  • Jaw reduction
  • Adam’s apple


How Long Does Facial Feminization Surgery Take?

The time of your procedure depends upon your case and whether you require new surgery or a series of procedures. Having your features enhanced in a single surgery can take up to 8 to 9 hours. Some surgeons recommend splitting the surgery into two sessions with a difference of 10 days or longer between the two surgeries. 


If you want to enhance facial features without opting for an invasive approach, then a quick insight into hormonal therapy may help you achieve what you desire. 


Facial Feminization surgery is a step forward to attaining comfort in your true self. It allows you to boost your confidence, driving your power to thrive and become the best version of yourself.