Hindi Transgender

ट्रांसजेंडर जननांग ऑपरेशन के बाद क्या परिणाम या विचार अपेक्षित हैं?

इस दुनिया में दो तरह के लिंग के लोग पैदा होते है: पुरुष और महिला। इन दोनों की अपनी- अपनी पहचान होती है जो उनके अलग- अलग शरीर के स्वरूप से अंतर किया जाते है। लेकिन आज के समय में कई लोगों के विचार ऐसे हो गए है के वह अपना लिंग दूसरे लिंग में बदलना चाहते है जैसे पुरुष से महिला या महिला से पुरुष। जो के उन्नत ट्रांसजेंडर तकनीको से संभव भी हो गया है। 

आज के युग में ट्रांसजेंडर और इंटरसेक्स लोग अपनी लैंगिक अभिव्यक्ति को साकार करने के लिए कई अलग- अलग रास्तों का अनुसरण करते है। कई लोग केवल हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी (एचआरटी) अपनाते हैं। अन्य लोग एचआरटी के साथ-साथ छाती पुनर्निर्माण या चेहरे की स्त्रीकरण सर्जरी (एफएफएस) सहित सर्जरी की विभिन्न डिग्री अपनाएंगे। वे यह भी तय कर सकते हैं कि बॉटम सर्जरी – जिसे जननांग सर्जरी, सेक्स रिअसाइनमेंट सर्जरी (एसआरएस), या अधिमानतः, लिंग पुष्टिकरण सर्जरी (जीसीएस) के रूप में भी जाना जाता है – उनके लिए सही विकल्प है।

बॉटम सर्जरी आम तौर पर संदर्भित करता है:

  • वैजिनोप्लास्टी
  • फैलोप्लास्टी
  • मेटोइडिओप्लास्टी 

वैजिनोप्लास्टी आमतौर पर ट्रांसजेंडर महिलाओं और एएमएबी (जन्म के समय नियुक्त पुरुष) गैर-बाइनरी लोगों द्वारा किया जाता है, जबकि फैलोप्लास्टी या मेटोइडियोप्लास्टी, आमतौर पर ट्रांसजेंडर पुरुषों और एएफएएम (जन्म के समय नियुक्त महिला) गैर-बाइनरी लोगों द्वारा किया जाता है। नीचे की सर्जरी तक, अधिकांश लोगों को इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस के माध्यम से बाल हटाने की आवश्यकता होती है। वैजिनोप्लास्टी के लिए, त्वचा पर बाल हटा दिए जाएंगे जो अंततः नियोवैजाइना की परत को शामिल करेंगे। फैलोप्लास्टी के लिए, दाता की त्वचा की जगह से बाल हटा दिए जाते हैं। 

बॉटम सर्जरी के जोखिम और दुष्प्रभाव: 

  • वैजिनोप्लास्टी की वजह से तंत्रिका क्षति के कारण आंशिक या संपूर्ण नियोक्लिटोरिस में संवेदना का नुकसान। 
  • कुछ लोग रेकटोवैजाइनल फिस्टुला एक गंभीर समस्या जो आंतों को योनि में खोल देती है।
  • वैजाइनल प्रोलैप्स भी हो सकता है, यह तब होता है जब एक महिला की पेल्विक फ्लोर की मांसपेशियां, ऊतक और स्नायुबंधन कमजोर हो जाते हैं और उनमें खिंचाव आ जाता है। इसके परिणामस्वरूप अंग अपनी सामान्य स्थिति से बाहर हो सकते हैं।
  • यूरिनरी इंकॉन्टीनेंस , मूत्राशय पर नियंत्रण खोना – एक आम और अक्सर शर्मनाक समस्या है। 
  • पूर्ण मेटोइडियोप्लास्टी और फैलोप्लास्टी में मूत्रमार्ग फिस्टुला (मूत्रमार्ग में एक छेद या खुलापन) या मूत्रमार्ग सख्त (एक रुकावट) का खतरा होता है।
  • फैलोप्लास्टी से दाता त्वचा की अस्वीकृति या संक्रमण का जोखिम भी हो सकता है। 
  • स्क्रॉटोप्लास्टी से शरीर वृषण प्रत्यारोपण को अस्वीकृति करता है।  
  • वैजिनोप्लास्टी, मेटोइडिओप्लास्टी और फैलोप्लास्टी सभी मिलकर सौंदर्य संबंधी परिणाम से व्यक्ति के अप्रसन्न होने का जोखिम।

बॉटम सर्जरी से रिकवरी:

  • 3 से 6 दिन हस्पताल में रहना ही पड़ेगा, उसके बाद 7 से 10 दिन बाह्य रोगी पर्यवेक्षण बंद करें। 
  • 6 हफ्तों के लिए किसी भी प्रकार के काम से छुट्टी। 
  • वैजिनोप्लास्टी लगभग एक सप्ताह तक कैथेटर(एक ट्यूब जो आपके मूत्राशय में डाली जाती है, जिससे आपका मूत्र स्वतंत्र रूप से बाहर निकल पाता है) की आवश्यकता होती है। 
  • पूर्ण मेटोइडियोप्लास्टी और फैलोप्लास्टी तीन हफ्तों के लिए कैथेटर की आवश्यकता होती है, उस बिंदु तक जब तक आप अपने मूत्रमार्ग के माध्यम से अपने मूत्र के बड़े हिस्से को स्वयं ही शुद्ध नहीं कर सकते।
  • वैजिनोप्लास्टी के बाद, अधिकांश लोगों को आमतौर पर हार्ड प्लास्टिक स्टेंट की स्नातक श्रृंखला का उपयोग करके, पहले या दो वर्षों तक नियमित रूप से विस्तार करने की आवश्यकता होती है। 
  • निओ वेजाइना एक सामान्य योनि के समान माइक्रोफ्लोरा विकसित होता है, हालांकि पीएच स्तर बहुत अधिक क्षारीय हो जाता है। 

निशान या तो जघन बालों में, लेबिया मेजा की परतों के साथ छिपे रहते हैं, या बस इतनी अच्छी तरह से ठीक हो जाते हैं कि ध्यान देने योग्य नहीं रहते हैं।


Does HRT Therapy Affect My Singing?

For transgender people undergoing gender transition, Hormone Replacement Therapy is a major step when they change their physical appearance with their gender identity. This therapy can impact the vocal range and quality, and it can be a concern for those who are singers or have a passion for music. 

When a transgender person wants to change gender into a self-identified gender, then it can take numerous SRS surgeries. SRS surgery means sex reassignment surgery, also known as gender-affirming surgery. It helps in balancing their appearance with their gender identity while reducing the procedures, including genital reconstruction, chest augmentation or reduction and facial feminization and masculinization. SRS surgery in India can help transgender people to live their life happily and comfortably with their gender. 

Understanding HRT and its Effects 

HRT stands for hormonal replacement therapy. It can assist transgender individuals in matching the way they look to their gender identification. This procedure uses essential hormones such as testosterone and estrogen for trans males or females. These hormones can change the body’s function, including vocal characteristics. 

Masculinizing HRT and voice changes 

When transgender males undergo hormonal replacement therapy, testosterone appears, which usually impacts voice qualities. Testosterone’s ability to stretch and thicken the vocal cords produces a lower-pitched voice. The natural thickening of the voice in male puberty and this process are identical. 

Feminizing HRT and voices changes

However, transgender women undergoing feminizing hormone therapy could only notice minor changes in their voice cords. Estrogen therapy does not change the structure of the vocal cords, but testosterone therapy can have a high impact on it. However, some people claim that their voices weaken or lose some of their vocal resonance as they age. Consult the doctor about Voice feminization surgery in India. Voice feminization surgery has a positive impact on transgender women

Timing and individual variations 

Each person experiences hormonal replacement therapy differently, both in terms of the level and speed of change. Numerous factors can affect outcomes, including age, genetic factors, the dosage and duration of therapy. When transgender individuals take hormonal therapy, they notice an earlier change in voice.

Singing through transition 

If you are thinking of taking hormonal replacement therapy, it can change your voice. It is crucial to remember that transitioning only sometimes means losing your voice abilities. Individuals can continue to follow their singing passion and learn to live with their evolving voice with patience, hard work and possibly guidance from vocal therapists. 

Vocal training and maintenance 

When you opt for SRS surgery in India, you keep doing vocal exercises and maintaining steps that can help to improve your singing voice. You can do some steps, such as 

  • Stay hydrated

Starting hydrated improves overall health and is essential for lubricated vocal cords. 

  • Vocal exercise

Vocal exercise regularly can help strengthen and maintain your voice. It also enhances vocal flexibility and control. 

  • Vocal training

You can discuss your vocal training with a professional voice therapist. They can help you develop new singing techniques and maintain your vocal health. 

  • Rest and avoid drug abuse

You can give proper rest to your voice, which can help to reduce the risk of stain and injury. You can avoid drug abuse, such as smoking and alcohol because it can harm your vocal cords. 

Seeking support and resource 

Navigating voice changes during transition can be difficult, but support networks and resources are available, such as online events, support groups or medical professionals who know the transgender experience. They provide proper support and advice.  

While your voice may alter during the transition, singing does not end. You can carry on sharing your voice with the world. Vocal training and maintenance can help keep your vocal cords healthy. If you or someone else is seeking Voice feminization surgery in India, visit Vj’s Transgender Clinic and consult experts.


ट्रांसजेंडर व्यक्तियों के लिए लिंग पुष्टि का महत्व

इस दुनिया में तीन प्रकार के लोग होते है: पुरुष, औरत, ट्रांसजेंडर। हर एक लिंग की अपनी पहचान और महत्व होता है जो कोई भी इंसान बदल नहीं सकता। ऐसे ही ट्रांसजेंडर लोग जो इस दुनिया में पैदा होते है उनकी भी अपनी जगह और जरूरत है। लेकिन कई ट्रांसजेंडर लोग अपनी इस पहचान से शर्म खाते है और कोई एक लिंग को अपनाना चाहते है। प्रौद्योगिकी के कारण अब ट्रांसजेंडर व्यक्ति भी आसानी से कोई एक लिंग औरत या पुरुष का रूप ले सकता है।आइये जानते है  


ट्रांसजेंडर” उन व्यक्तियों को संदर्भित करता है जिनकी लिंग पहचान उनके जन्म के समय निर्धारित लिंग से भिन्न होती है। दूसरे शब्दों में, जो कोई ट्रांसजेंडर है, वह शारीरिक विशेषताओं के आधार पर जन्म के समय पहचाने गए लिंग से भिन्न लिंग के रूप में पहचान करता है। ट्रांसजेंडर लोग अपने लिंग अभिव्यक्ति को अपनी लिंग पहचान के साथ संरेखित करने के लिए सामाजिक, चिकित्सकीय या कानूनी रूप से परिवर्तन कर सकते हैं।


भारत में ट्रांसजेंडर व्यक्तियों को अक्सर “हिजड़ा”,”अरावनी”,”किन्नर” या “थर्ड जेंडर” कहा जाता है। इन शब्दों का उपयोग उन व्यक्तियों का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो लिंग की पारंपरिक द्विआधारी धारणाओं के अनुरूप नहीं हैं। ऐतिहासिक रूप से, भारत में ट्रांसजेंडर लोगों को एक समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत के साथ एक विशिष्ट समुदाय के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है, हालांकि उन्हें सामाजिक कलंक, भेदभाव और हाशिए का भी सामना करना पड़ा है।   


अब इन लोगों को समाज में किसी चीज का सामना नहीं करना पड़ेगा क्योकि डॉ सी विजय कुमार ट्रांसजेंडर सर्जन, वीजे’एस ट्रांसजेंडर क्लिनिक जगदम्बा जंक्शन, विशाखापट्नम, आंध्र प्रदेश जिनको बहुत सालों का अनुभव हैं और हर सर्जरी भी सफल रही है। आइए इनकी तरफ़ से जानते है क्या है ट्रांसजेंडर सर्जरी, इसकी कीमत और इलाज के बारे में।  


ट्रांसजेंडर सर्जरी, जिससे लिंग-पुष्टि सर्जरी या लिंग पुष्टिकरण सर्जरी के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एक चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया है जिसे कुछ ट्रांसजेंडर व्यक्ति अपनी शारीरिक विशेषताओं को अपनी लिंग पहचान के साथ संरेखित करने के लिए अपने संक्रमण के हिस्से के रूप में चुन सकते है। की जाने वाली विशिष्ट सर्जरी किसी व्यक्ति के संक्रमण लक्षणों के आधार पर भिन्न होती हैं और इसमें निम्नलिखित प्रक्रियाएं शामिल हो सकती हैं: 


  • शीर्ष सर्जरी(छाती पुनर्निर्माण): इसमें ट्रांसजेंडर महिलाओं(पुरुष से महिला) के लिए स्तन वृद्धि या ट्रांसजेंडर पुरुषों (महिला से पुरुष) के लिए मास्टेक्टॉमी(स्तन उत्तक को हटाना) शामिल हो सकता है।  
  • बॉटम सर्जरी (जननांग पुनर्निर्माण): इसमें ट्रांसजेंडर महिलाओं के लिए वेजिनोप्लास्टी जैसी प्रक्रियाएं शामिल हैं, जो एक योनि बनाती हैं, और ट्रांसजेंडर पुरुषों के लिए फैलोप्लास्टी या मेटोइडियोप्लास्टी, जो एक लिंग बनाती हैं। ये सर्जरी अक्सर जटिल होती हैं और इसमें कई चरण शामिल हो सकते हैं।
  • चेहरे की स्त्रीकरण सर्जरी(एफएफएम) या चेहरे की मर्दानाकरण सर्जरी(एफएमएस): यह सर्जरी किसी व्यक्ति की लिंग पहचान के साथ अधिक निकटता से संरेखित करने के लिए चेहरे की विशेषताओं को बदल देती हैं। प्रक्रियाओं में नाक, जबड़े, माथे और चेहरे की अन्य संरचनाओं में परिवर्तन शामिल हो सकते हैं। 
  • आवाज की सर्जरी: कुछ ट्रांसजेंडर व्यक्ति अपनी लिंग पहचान से बेहतर मिलान के लिए अपनी आवाज को संशोधित करने की प्रक्रियाओं से गुजर सकते हैं। 
  • पुरुष से महिला सर्जरी

          यह पुरुष से महिला सर्जरी विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए है जो जैविक रूप से पुरुष            हैं लेकिन महिलाओं की तरह पहचाने जाना या व्यवहार करना पसंद करते हैं। जेंडर डिस्फोरिया से पीड़ित कुछ लोगों को परामर्श की आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि इस स्थिति में होने पर उनकी मानसिक स्थिति पर काफी असर पड़ता है। 

  • पुरुष से महिला सर्जरी की कीमत संख्या के आधार पर २ से ५ लाख रुपए है जो प्रक्रियाओं पर निर्भर है। 
  • ऑर्किएक्टोमी – अंडकोष को हटाना: इस प्रक्रियात्मक चरण के निष्पादन के साथ, डॉ सी विजय कुमार का लक्ष्य अंडकोष को हटाने के साथ महिला हार्मोन को काटना है।
  • पेनेक्टोमी – लिंग को हटाना: इस प्रक्रियात्मक चरण में, ट्रांस व्यक्ति के लिंग को हटा दिया जाता है। यह भी कहा जा सकता है कि यह प्रक्रिया लिंग को हटाने के बाद पूरी की जाती है, भले ही महिला के जननांग न बने हों।
  • महिला से पुरुष सर्जरी 
  • चेहरे की मर्दानाकरण सर्जरी
  • गाल का विस्तार
  • रिनोप्लास्टी
  • ठुड्डी का पुनर्निर्माण
  • जबड़े की रूपरेखा
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  • शरीर मर्दाना करण सर्जरी
  • चूतड़ मर्दाना करण 
  • जनन मर्दाना करण 
  • सर्जरी की कीमत औसत पर ४ लाख रुपए से शुरू होकर प्रक्रिया के मुताबक बढ़ती रहती है।



The Impact of Transgender Voice Therapy on Voice Feminization

Embarking on the journey of gender transition involves various aspects, and one vital part is voice feminization. Let’s explore how transgender voice therapy impacts the lives of individuals seeking to align their voices with their gender identity and understand the importance of surgeries like chest feminization and SRS surgery in India.

The Journey to a Feminine Chest

Many transgender women wish to transform their chests to achieve a more feminine appearance. This process, known as chest feminization surgery, is quite significant. It includes removing breast tissue and shaping the chest to match their gender identity. This surgery helps transgender women feel more authentic and comfortable in their bodies.

What Happens in Surgery?

In chest feminization surgery, the breast tissue is removed, the chest is reshaped, and sometimes the size of the areolas is adjusted. This inclusive approach gives people a more genuine body presentation to increase their self-confidence and align with their appearance.

Understanding Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS)

Another crucial step in the gender transition journey is sex reassignment surgery (SRS). This surgery aligns an individual’s genitalia with their gender identity. Simply put, it’s a medical procedure that helps transgender individuals feel more confident in their bodies by changing physical attributes to match their gender.

Simplifying SRS

To get a complete change, one can break down the concept of SRS surgery in India. It is aimed at making sure that an individual’s genitalia are well suited for their gender identity. The surgery helps transgender people to look better physically.

A Guide to Understanding Transgender Individuals

To grasp the concept of transgender individuals, it’s essential to recognize their diversity. MTF and FTM are terms used to refer to some people who identify themselves either as male-to-female or female-to-male. In this regard, it becomes imperative that one inclusively looks at the issue.

Welcoming Differences

To create a supportive environment, diversity within the transgender community should be embraced. It entails recognizing and appreciating the unique experiences and hardships each person faces. This thus helps promote inclusiveness in discussions about transgender persons.

The Impact of Voice Feminization Surgery in India

Voice feminization surgery in India is crucial in the overall transition process. Speech therapists specializing in transgender voice therapy help modify vocal pitch, resonance, and speech patterns, contributing to a more authentic presentation.

Beyond Vocal Training

Transgender voice therapy does more than change how someone sounds. The sound of a feminine voice is significant for the mental soundness as well as emotional life of those undergoing gender transition; this also helps make a more genuine presentation, thereby lessening the chances of being mislabeled and promoting a positive image of oneself.

Meeting the Growing Demand: SRS Surgery in India

In India, where awareness about transgender issues is growing, surgeries like SRS are becoming more important. As demand for transgender healthcare services increases, accessible and culturally sensitive interventions, including SRS surgery, must be provided. This ensures the diverse needs of individuals seeking voice feminization surgery in India.


In the world of transgender, voice feminization is a major change that overlaps with their gender transition. It is important to understand the wider context, such as top surgery and bottom surgery, to appreciate what it means to be trans. With a society that keeps evolving towards inclusivity, advocating for comprehensive healthcare options is vital in addressing the varied needs of Indian transgender people and beyond.


why is preoperative genital hair needed to be removed for gender reassignment surgery?

In this era, people who are transgender want to get their particular identity. These transgender surgeries are preferable to get a particular identity before going for transgender surgery, removal of genital hair so that doctors can easily perform the procedure of gender reassignment surgery. 

What is the definition of transgender surgery? 

Gender affirmation surgery: Transgender surgeries are also known as sex reassignment surgery. It is a procedure that is helpful for getting a particular Identity. Nowadays, it is the most preferable surgery for the transition of self-identified gender. 

Why do people prefer transgender Surgeries? 

People prefer transgender surgeries to match their physical body to their gender identity. They choose gender affirmation surgery because they do not want to experience the problem of gender Dysphoria. The issue of gender dysphoria causes stress because the sex assigned at the time of birth does not match your gender. You can also get a consultation about transgender surgery in India.

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a feeling that a person has because of the difference between the biological sex organ and the identity of gender. This dissatisfaction feeling can be so intense. In this condition, people will go for sex reassignment surgeries. 

Difference between transgender and nonbinary 

Transgender: Someone whose gender identity is different from the sex that was assigned at the time of birth is known as transgender. 

NonBinary: someone who does not fit with the females and males with their gender. 

Reasons for removing the genital hair before the operation. 

In the MtF surgeries, hair should be removed because it is the main concern. It is important to get the best and most satisfying result.

  • Reduce the risk of infection: Hair traps the bacteria and microorganisms easily, which further causes bacterial infections. Hair removal is important for reducing the risk of infection. 
  • Visibility for the procedure: removal of genital hair offers clear vision to the team of surgeons. It allows them to see the area of surgery easily. 
  • Wound care: cleaning and freeing contaminants is important after the procedure of surgery. It can be easy to keep the area clean if there is no genital hair. 
  • Prevention from complications: Hair around the surgical area can interrupt the application of dressing of sterile and incision closure. Removal of hair can prevent the complications of the opening of the wound and issues that are related to the suture. 
  • Aesthetic considerations: Hair removal performs aesthetic reasons in some cases. It provides a cleaner and more aesthetic appearance after the surgery. 
  • Preventing Surgical Fires: electrosurgical devices are used in this procedure. The presence of hair can pose a risk of surgical fires. Hair removal reduces the risk and enhances overall surgical safety. Other suggestions you can take from the surgeon of 

transgender surgery in the best transgender clinic in Hyderabad

Benefits of transgender surgeries

These surgeries are beneficial for people who experience gender dysphoria. The major benefit of these surgeries is they give peace and good mental health. The other benefit is that it gives a particular gender identity to the people. The medicines and diet are also expensive for the receiver. Doctors suggest having a high-protein diet and a liquid diet for a few days.

Risk of SRS surgeries 

Surgeries are quite risky. As with other surgeries, SRS surgeries also have some risks. The patient feels difficulties emptying the bladder. The other risks are bleeding, infection and some side effects of anesthesia. SRS surgeries take about 2 to 7 lakhs in India for only surgery. The price of the surgery varies according to the hospital and conversion. 

Transgender surgeries are the best option for people who want a particular identity according to their gender. Science makes it possible to give identities according to gender. For treatment, people search for the best hospital and clinic, and the VJ Transgender Clinic is the best clinic for these surgeries because there are the best surgeons available for surgeries of transgender.


What is FTM chest surgery?

People who are transgender go for FTM chest surgery. Thoracic surgery can include a variety of operations on your chest. In addition to your heart and lungs, thoracic surgery can involve your esophagus, trachea or other areas. A heart valve repair, lung tumor removal or aneurysm repair in your chest all fall under the thoracic surgery category.


What is the definition of chest surgery? 

Another name for chest surgery is thoracic surgery. Any operation in your chest is thoracic surgery. While your heart is the best-known organ in your chest, thoracic surgery includes lung surgery and much more. The esophagus, Trachea, Diaphragm, Chest wall and Mediastinum are also involved in the surgery of your chest. Chest surgery is a part of transgender surgery, and the best surgeons perform transgender surgery in India. 


Conditions that are treated with chest surgery. 

  • Oesophageal cancer: When cancer cells start in your esophagus, the long, hollow tube runs from your mouth to your stomach.
  • Hiatal hernia: When your stomach bulges up to your chest through your diaphragm. Lung cancer: Cancer that starts in your lungs, often occurring in people who smoke.
  • Mesothelioma: Tumors that line the tissue in your heart, lungs, stomach, or other organs.
  • Pleural effusion: Fluid buildup in the tissue that lines the outside of your lungs and chest.
  • Sarcoma: Cancers of the connective tissue or bones.
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome: When nerves or blood vessels between your collarbone and top ribs get compressed.


What is the most common procedure of chest surgery? 

Chest surgery has different procedures that are very common. 

  • Lobectomy: This procedure involves the removal of a lobe of the lung. It is often done to treat lung cancer or lung infections.
  • Pneumonectomy: This procedure involves the removal of an entire lung. It is typically done to treat lung cancer or, in some cases, severe lung infections.
  • Biopsy: Thoracic surgeons often perform biopsies to obtain tissue samples from the lungs or other thoracic organs. 
  • Mediastinoscopy: This procedure involves the examination of the Mediastinum, the area between the lungs. It is commonly used to diagnose and stage lung cancer.
  • Pleurodesis: This surgical technique involves the creation of adhesions between the layers of the pleura to prevent recurrent pleural effusion.
  • Thoracotomy: A thoracotomy is performed to access the thoracic cavity for various surgical procedures.


How do you prepare for chest surgery? 

There are the following steps to prepare for chest surgery. 

  • Be sure to tell your provider about any medicines you take, even those you buy without a prescription.
  • If your provider tells you to, stop taking certain medicines a few days before your surgery. Do not stop taking any medication unless your provider tells you to.
  • Stop using tobacco products at least a month before lung surgery. This and avoiding tobacco for a month after surgery can cut your risk of wound complications in half.
  • Stop eating and drinking at the time your provider tells you to on the day or night before surgery.
  • Make a plan for your recovery.
  • It will take time to recover from thoracic surgery, so prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them to make things easier.


What are the risks of chest surgery? 

There are some risk factors for chest surgery. 

  • Infections, including pneumonia.
  • Lung collapse.
  • Blood clots.
  • Depression.
  • Abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Heart failure.
  • Swelling in your lungs.

Transgender surgeries are prevalent because people get their particular identity because of transgender surgery. VJ transgender clinic is known as the best transgender clinic in Hyderabad.


Define sex reassignment surgery.

Due to the advancement in technology, medical science introduced the option of sex reassignment surgery. It is the best option for those who are not the same as their behavior. In this era, people who are transgender want to get their particular identity. These transgender surgeries are preferable to get a particular identity before going for transgender surgery, removal of genital hair so that doctors can easily perform the procedure of gender reassignment surgery. 


What is the definition of sex reassignment surgery? 

Sex reassignment surgery is also known as gender reassignment surgery. It is a procedure that is helpful for getting a particular Identity. Nowadays, it is the most preferable surgery for the transition of self-identified gender. Transgender surgery is available in the best transgender clinic in Hyderabad


Different types of sex reassignment surgery. 

There are three types of transgender surgery. 

  • Facial reconstructive surgery: This surgery is beneficial for reconstructing masculine and feminine facial features. 
  • Top surgery: The top surgery is also known as the chest surgery. In this surgery, the breast tissues are removed to give a masculine appearance. Also, it enhances the breast size and shape for a feminine appearance.
  • Genital and bottom surgery: The genitalia are transformed and reconstructed in the bottom surgery. 


Is the sex reassignment surgery possible for minors? 

Definitely, because of advancements in medical science, it is possible for minors to get sex reassignment surgery done. The minimum age for hormonal therapy is 16 years, whereas for sex reassignment surgery, the minimum age should be 18. However, the age limit for gender reassignment surgery varies depending on the law of the country and the physical and mental condition of the person. Puberty blockers, estrogen blockers and hormone therapy are very common for gender transition for minors. The transgender surgery in India is legal after the age of 18. 


What are the benefits and drawbacks of sex reassignment surgery? 

There are a few advantages and disadvantages of gender reassignment surgery. 

Advantages of the sex reassignment surgery

These surgeries are beneficial for people who experience gender dysphoria. The primary benefit of these surgeries is they give peace and good mental health. The other benefit is that it gives a particular gender identity to the people. The medicines and diet are also expensive for the receiver. Doctors suggest having a high-protein diet and a liquid diet for a few days.

Risk of SRS surgeries 

Surgeries are quite risky. As with other surgeries, SRS surgeries also have some risks. The patient feels difficulties emptying the bladder. The other risks are bleeding, infection and some side effects of anesthesia. SRS surgeries take about 2 to 7 lakhs in India for only surgery. The price of the surgery varies according to the hospital and conversion. 

Transgender surgeries are the best option for people who want a particular identity according to their gender. Science makes it possible to give identities according to gender. For treatment, people search for the best hospital and clinic, and the VJ Transgender Clinic is the best clinic for these surgeries because there are the best surgeons available for surgeries of transgender.

News Transgender

Building a Roadmap for Successful Transitions in Healthcare in India

Navigating healthcare changes can be a difficult road, especially for those seeking gender reassignment or undergoing SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery). These transitions, with the correct help and resources, can be empowering and life-changing. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of creating a roadmap for effective healthcare transitions. We will look at the essential components of gender transition surgery and SRS surgery in India, providing useful insights and advice to those considering this life-changing procedure.

  1. Understanding Gender Change Surgery in India: Gender change surgery, also called gender affirmation surgery or gender reassignment surgery, is a complex methodology that plans to adjust a person’s actual qualities to their gender character. In India, there are trustworthy clinics and specific healthcare suppliers, for example, VJ Transgender Clinics, that offer exhaustive support and aptitude in gender change medical procedures. By understanding the cycle, dangers, and advantages of gender change surgery in India, people can come to informed decision about their healthcare process.
  2. The Role of SRS Surgery in Gender Transition: Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS), also called gender-affirming surgery, is a basic part of the gender transition process for some people. SRS surgery envelops different methods that adjust the privates to match a singular’s gender character. It is a profoundly private choice, and people should approach educated healthcare professionals who can give extensive consideration and support in the interim.
  3. Importance of a Transition Roadmap: A transition roadmap is a far-reaching plan that frames the means, strategies, and support frameworks engaged in a successful transition. It fills in as an aide, assisting people with exploring the different parts of their healthcare process, including operations, psychological wellness support, social and lawful contemplations, and post-employable consideration. Making a roadmap is fundamental to guarantee a smooth and very much organized transition process, limiting pressure and vulnerability.
  4. Accessing Quality Healthcare Services: While leaving on a transition venture, essential to find healthcare suppliers who are capable, learned, and delicate to the remarkable necessities of transgender people. VJ Transgender Clinics and other respectable healthcare offices in India offer particular services, including gender change surgery and progressing post-usable consideration. These clinics give a protected and supportive climate where people can get quality healthcare services customized to their particular requirements.
  5. The Power of Support Networks: Transitioning to healthcare is definitely not a single excursion. It is fundamental for people to construct major areas of strength for an organization that incorporates healthcare professionals, emotional well-being specialists, support groups, and friends and family. These support frameworks assume a vital part in offering emotional help, direction, and approval all through the transition cycle. They offer a place of refuge for people to share their encounters, seek guidance, and celebrate milestones along their excursions.


Building a roadmap for successful transitions in healthcare is vital to ensuring a positive and empowering experience for people seeking gender change surgery or going through SRS surgery. By understanding the interaction, accessing quality healthcare services, and sustaining a supportive organization, people can explore their healthcare process with certainty and flexibility.

VJ Transgender Clinics and other legitimate healthcare suppliers in India are devoted to giving exhaustive consideration and support to people all through their transition. Keep in mind, each forward-moving step is a stage towards carrying on with a true and satisfying life.


Gender affirmation surgery

Gender change surgery is not that common in the world. People who want to be the other gender have had these surgeries. The men and women who are transgender also get these surgeries done. The surgeries for transgender are known as transgender affirmation surgeries. Transgender surgeries are more common in the world. There are many hospitals for Transgender surgery in India.

Definition of transgender 

A transgender person is not known as a female or a male in this society. They do not have any particular gender Identity. A transgender female was registered as male on her birth document, but her gender identity is female. Similar to a transgender female, males are labelled as female sex at birth but have identities of male. Some transgender people don’t have one gender identity. Their genders are combined with both the elements of male and female. The main cause of transgender surgery is Gender dysphoria. 

What is gender Dysphoria? 

Gender dysphoria is a feeling that a person has because of the difference between the biological sex organ and the identity of gender. This dissatisfaction feeling can be so intense. In this condition, people will go for sex reassignment surgeries and the best SRS surgeries in India are done in the VJ Transgender clinic. Problems like depression and anxiety also occur.

The success story of a transgender actress, Navya Singh

About Navya Singh 

Navya Singh was born in Katihar, which is a small district in Bihar. She was 12 years old when she found that she was born with the wrong body. Her behavior and emotions are not similar to her gender. She suffered from gender dysphoria as a boy. As she grew up she loved the way prefer to live. She used to do all the work like boys. Due to this, people started mocking her by saying hijra. She was 16 years world when her friends raped her just to realise that she was not a girl. After this incident, she kept silent. There was nobody who could help her with her transgender. 

How did she get to know about the transgender surgery?

One day, she read in the newspaper that a boy had undergone surgery to become a girl. After reading that news, she discussed with her parents about the surgery and told them she did not want to live with the identity anymore. That news played like a hope for her, and she wanted to visit the doctor. 

Appointment with a doctor

She called at the best transgender clinic in Hyderabad VJ transgender clinics. She explained everything to the doctor, and the doctor understood her situation and advised her to have surgery. She was a little bit nervous and had questions about the surgery, but she wanted to live her life as a normal person, so without thinking anything, she agreed with the doctor. The doctor wanted to give all the information and knowledge about the surgery before the beginning. 

During the surgery

The surgery is done in parts because there are some steps. Navya did not feel any discomfort during the surgery because the whole surgery was performed under the effect of anesthesia. Also, she was happy because, after surgery, nobody would mock her by calling her hijra and kinnara. 

Procedure of surgery

Gender-affirming surgery can give life to transgender people with a body that matches their sex organs. These procedures treat the face, chest or genitalia. For transgender surgery, the options are as follows. 

  • Surgery of Facial reconstructive to make features of the face more masculine or feminine.
  • Chest surgery removes the tissue of the breast for a masculine appearance or for enhancing the size and shape for a feminine appearance. This surgery is also called top surgery.
  • Genital surgery is used for transforming and reconstructing the genitalia and is also known as bottom surgery.

After the surgery

The procedure of transgender surgery was quite difficult, but she was happy because she got her proper identity after the surgery. Now she is enjoying her life. She is an Indian actress who faced several problems during her childhood. 

Transgender surgeries are the best option for people who want a particular identity according to their gender. Science makes it possible to give identities according to gender. For treatment, people search for the best hospital and clinic, and the VJ Transgender Clinic is the best Transgender Surgery in India because there are the best surgeons available for surgeries of transgender. 



What is the definition of transgender surgery?

In this era, people who are transgender want to get their particular identity. These transgender surgeries are preferable to get a particular identity before going for transgender surgery, removal of genital hair so that doctors can easily perform the procedure of gender reassignment surgery. 

What is the definition of transgender surgery? 

Gender affirmation surgery: Transgender surgeries are also known as sex reassignment surgery. It is a procedure that is helpful for getting a particular Identity. Nowadays, it is the most preferable surgery for the transition of self-identified gender. 

Why do people prefer transgender Surgeries? 

People prefer transgender surgeries to match their physical body to their gender identity. They choose gender affirmation surgery because they do not want to experience the problem of gender Dysphoria. The issue of gender dysphoria causes stress because the sex assigned at the time of birth does not match your gender. You can also get a consultation about transgender surgery in India.

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a feeling that a person has because of the difference between the biological sex organ and the identity of gender. This dissatisfaction feeling can be so intense. In this condition, people will go for sex reassignment surgeries. 

Difference between transgender and nonbinary 

Transgender: Someone whose gender identity is different from the sex that was assigned at the time of birth is known as transgender. 

NonBinary: someone who does not fit with the females and males with their gender. 

Types of transgender surgery

There are three types of transgender surgery. 

Facial reconstructive surgery: this surgery is beneficial for the reconstruction of facial features of masculine and feminine. 

Top surgery: the top surgery is also known as the chest surgery. In this surgery, the breast tissues are removed to give a masculine appearance. Also, it enhances the breast size and shape for a feminine appearance.

Genital and bottom surgery: the genitalia are transformed and reconstructed in the bottom surgery. 

Benefits of transgender surgeries

These surgeries are beneficial for people who experience gender dysphoria. The major benefit of these surgeries is they give peace and good mental health. The other benefit is that it gives a particular gender identity to the people. The medicines and diet are also expensive for the receiver. Doctors suggest having a high-protein diet and a liquid diet for a few days.

Risk of SRS surgeries 

Surgeries are quite risky. As with other surgeries, SRS surgeries also have some risks. The patient feels difficulties emptying the bladder. The other risks are bleeding, infection and some side effects of anesthesia. SRS surgeries take about 2 to 7 lakhs in India for only surgery. The price of the surgery varies according to the hospital and conversion. 

Name of the doctor who performs the sex reassignment surgery.

There are many doctors available at VJ transgender clinics. Dr. C Vijay Kumar is well known for providing satisfying results. He is one of the best doctors at our clinics. He is available at the best transgender clinic in Hyderabad

Transgender surgeries are the best option for people who want a particular identity according to their gender. Science makes it possible to give identities according to gender. For treatment, people search for the best hospital and clinic, and the VJ Transgender Clinic is the best clinic for these surgeries because there are the best surgeons available for surgeries of transgender.