Female Feminization Surgery

All About Facial Feminization Surgery


Facial feminization surgery is a process of making the facial features more feminine. It includes an extended range of procedures such as jaw reduction, nose reshaping and cheek augmentation. Many people wonder how facial feminization can help them become their true selves and what is the procedure of this surgery. In this blog, you will learn all about facial feminization surgery people acquire as a treatment for gender dysphoria

What is Facial Feminization Surgery? 

Facial feminization surgery alters the features of your face to make it appear more feminine. It may take one surgery or a series of procedures to get the appearance you desire. 


It reshapes the bones, cartilage and soft tissue in order to soften your facial features. The most common features people enhance with FFS are nose, jaw, forehead and hairline. 


Who Can Have Facial Feminization Surgery?

An individual who is physically healthy can opt for feminising facial surgery without worrying about any complications. 


It is also for people who want to understand transgender surgery and are seeking ways for gender affirmation. 


Who Shouldn’t Have Facial Feminization Surgery?

  • You may not be fit to have facial feminization surgery if:
  • You are below the age of 18.
  • You don’t have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • You have a health condition that may lead to complications during or after the surgery. 


Procedure Details

How to Prepare for Facial Feminization Surgery?

Your doctor will conduct several tests to thoroughly evaluate your physical health before the procedure. It is necessary to rule out the risk of any health condition that may hinder the process, causing complications during and after the procedure. They will also enquire about your goals and expectations from the procedures to set realistic expectations for you after the recovery. The discussion is crucial to be sure that you and your surgeon are on the same side and are able to aggressively understand one another. The ways your provider ensures you are fit for the surgery are:

  • Assessing your lifestyle, including consumption of alcohol or smoking. 
  • Examining your physical health with lab tests. 
  • Identifying the risk of complications during and after the procedure.  
  • Review your current scenario of medications and allergies you may have. 


The surgeon may also perform some imaging scans to acquire images of the bones and soft tissues of your face and skull. Your face will be measured, and photographs will be taken of you to determine the quality of your skin. 

What Happens During Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization offers a unique journey for every individual. The type of features you are seeking to enhance determines the procedure. You can have one surgery or multiple, depending on your requirements:

  • Hairline lowering
  • Forehead contouring
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Lip lift and augmentation
  • Chin reduction
  • Jaw reduction
  • Adam’s apple


How Long Does Facial Feminization Surgery Take?

The time of your procedure depends upon your case and whether you require new surgery or a series of procedures. Having your features enhanced in a single surgery can take up to 8 to 9 hours. Some surgeons recommend splitting the surgery into two sessions with a difference of 10 days or longer between the two surgeries. 


If you want to enhance facial features without opting for an invasive approach, then a quick insight into hormonal therapy may help you achieve what you desire. 


Facial Feminization surgery is a step forward to attaining comfort in your true self. It allows you to boost your confidence, driving your power to thrive and become the best version of yourself. 

Female Feminization Surgery

How Facial Feminisation Surgery Can Help in Becoming Your True Self


Living your life as a transgender individual can be a peculiarly difficult thing – even when you are in the stages of accepting yourself, the journey can be clouded with a number of insecurities and pre-established prejudices that can come in your way in order to lead an honest, completely transparent life as your true self. Despite the progress made in the way our society thinks and perceives the world beyond the norm, trans people are still outcasted. It can be a hard thing to find a way to balance your true self with the way society wants to perceive or wants you to act. 

Undergoing the gender affirmation surgery procedure, also known as transitioning, can also be a huge commitment when it comes to living your true and honest life. However, gender affirmation surgery only deals with the reproductive parts of one’s body. It does not tackle or change the way one looks, essentially. For a male-to-female transition, a person might need to undergo a hormone replacement therapy treatment and go through what many people call their second puberty to enhance and allow the different hormones being introduced to the body to function and prosper. 


In some cases, it is still not possible to alter the way one’s features and body are built, depending on the bone structure of the person. In extreme situations, one can undergo facial feminization surgery. As the name suggests, this surgery procedure allows an individual to reshape the way their natural face is and make their natural features more feminine. It is an additional step when hormone replacement therapy does not produce the desired results in your process of altering your sex assigned at birth.


For trans women around the world, this surgical procedure can help them combat a number of insecurities that they could have been harbouring for a better part of their lives. It is, at the end of the day, an elective procedure. You do not necessarily have to undergo facial feminization surgery to become a woman. But for most people, this surgery allows them to fight against a lifelong worth of perception and self-confidence issues. It can be taken as a one-time investment towards your future.


Most of the time, when one undergoes a female feminization surgery, there are a number of things you can change, from the shape of your nose to the angle of your jaw. You can go in for a chin reduction as well as request your surgeon to contour your brows according to your needs and desires. Since this procedure is technically classified as cosmetic surgery, you can decide all the changes you are seeking and work in collaboration with your surgeon to achieve your desired results. 

Facial feminization surgery can help you be comfortable with the way you appear and are perceived in a number of ways. It allows you to live your life and attain a truer version of yourself. With the services provided at VJ’s Transgender Clinic, you can be assured of receiving the best possible results. Not only do we provide gender affirmation surgeries, both from male to female as well as female to male. Our team of experts also offer facial feminization surgery in order to truly complete your transition and allow you to lead your life as your authentic self. 


At VJ’s Transgender Clinic, we understand how difficult and terrifying the process and procedure of transition can be for certain individuals. We make certain that the treatment you receive is as comfortable as it can be. Complete your transition with a facial feminization surgery at VJ’s Transgender Clinic!

Female Feminization Surgery male to female Sex reassignment surgery

Significant rise has been seen in demand for sex-change surgery in India


Sex change surgery in India: Seeing a huge ‘Happy Curve.’

Indeed! Who doesn’t like the proper body curve? Well, one is the body curve, and the other curve is seeing a specific demand slope getting higher with time. The medical field and its ever-booming demand have greatly changed everyone’s life. One such happy curve among India’s increasing demand for gender change surgery.

With time, more and more people are getting open to sharing their feeling on:

  • How do they feel about themselves?
  • Talking openly about their feelings
  • Motivating others to come out and share their story

Indeed! Every person who comes out and their journey of transition from male to female surgery in Andhra Pradesh will bring a huge difference in everyone’s life. Additionally, it’s also about the easy availability of the male-to-female and female-to-male transition that brings a huge difference in an individual’s life as the experienced medical expert will always be by their side.

Journey of beautiful transition with gender change

The journey of Steffan to Shira is enough to motivate others to do what they feel happy with. When Steffan visited one of the leading Transgender surgery clinic in Andhra Pradesh, he was slightly nervous. No doubt, he did some research to come from New Jersey to India to undergo the sex-change surgery.

The journey of male to female transition started when she didn’t feel confident in her own body. The feeling that you don’t have the right gender assigned to you at birth is termed ‘Gender Dysphoria.’ Earlier, people used to think of it as a mental health disorder. The GD is a condition that requires several things like:

  • Consulting the psychiatric
  • Getting hormones checked
  • Undergoing surgical reconstructive conditions

The problem also resulted in a huge shift in the patient life. So, seek medical assistance and familiarize yourself with the most reliable and effective care. Like every other individual, Steffan began with the hormonal treatment to begin the trans female journey.

Scheduled initial consultation and started to prepare

As she scheduled an initial consultation with the medical health provider, it was known what kind of surgery was needed and how to schedule everything. Like every other individual, her feminine desire was at her peak, and she wanted to do every possible bit to achieve that feminine features and look. The expertise of surgical health experts brought the necessary difference and helped to get everything customized as needed.

Gender affirmation surgery includes many surgical procedures to improve your overall well-being. Moreover, the advanced technology and FDA-approved procedures are the biggest factors in enhancing results, increasing comfort, and making everything get done more safely & precisely.

Best surgical plan combined with different procedures

Both male and female features are different from one another. So, her wish to get a more feminine look included several surgeries like:

  • Upper eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty
  • Hairline lowering/scalp advancement
  • Forehead contouring and reconstruction
  • Brow bone contouring
  • Adam’s apple reduction
  • Cheek fat grafting
  • Breast augmentation

Seeing the difference and taking care

After the surgery, it’s all about seeing the difference and caring for yourself. The health expert guided her; afterward, she started to follow all those things and make a difference in her life.

Female Feminization Surgery Feminizing Hormone Therapy

Everything you need to know about female feminization surgery


Are you thinking about starting your trans journey phase?

Indeed! That phase comes with a lot of questions and doubts in mind. It’s like an entire journey that everyone wants to experience the right way and ensure gender change surgery is even worth it than coming out. Obviously, to look the best in every way possible is essential, and especially making sure it matches with the gender that you feel like makes a lot of difference. In case you are planning to start your Male to female journey, then it’s important to know what’s right and wrong and which sort of surgical plan can help you with your citation.

Female Feminization Surgery

Under Female Feminization Surgery, there are two main techniques which are:

  • Surgery on the bones/Cartilage of the skull
  • Work on the soft tissue that covers cartilage & bone

Under FFS, it’s all essential to work upon the necessary difference, like noticing the difference between male and female skills. Even if there are minor changes, it’s all essential to focus on the same and get the surgical plan made accordingly to seek all the necessary results properly.

Bear in, just like FFS, those who wish to seek female into Male gender change surgery can choose the necessary surgical plan and procedure to make the features stand out.

Which are the main procedures in FFS?

  • Brow shaving

Brow shaving is an important way to make the features look best in all ways. Under the said approach, orbital rims are a grind, and then the brow bossing forehead implant is removed.

  • Brow lifting

Brow lifting is all about skin tightening on the forehead and getting the eyebrows raised properly.

  • Scalp advancement

As the men and women have different hairlines. In the case of women, the hairline is more advanced to make it look all better.

  • Jaw reshaping

Under jaw reshaping, the bone is removed from the back corner of the jaw and takes out the necessary part to make it seem right in all possible ways.

  • Chin reshaping

Another approach is chin reshaping, where the bone is removed from the chin and reshaped to make it look all effective and shorter, just the way a woman’s features will stand out.

Apart from these, there are chin augmentation, nose reshaping, and reconstruction to make the female features stand out in all possible ways.

When is nose and forehead surgery performed?

Under the FFS method, the best part is that you can seek the transition phase whenever you wish. In case you want the Feminization Rhinoplasty and forehead surgery to be performed together, then simply ask the surgeon about the same.

Take proper care after the surgery.

Once the surgery is done, you have to take the best care of yourself. Follow all the necessary suggestions given by the doctor to make sure the entire procedure goes with utmost ease. Also, when you consult an experienced surgeon, it makes sure to reduce the risk and complications associated with surgery.