Gender change Surgery male to female

Male to female transgender surgery: How to prepare for transition journey?

MTF Gender change surgery

The transition from MTF (Male To Female Surgery) is an important decision you must take with the right approach and planning. Indeed! When you plan for the approach of Gender change surgery in Andhra Pradesh, it does give you a lot of confidence to look at the way you feel inside. It’s like the reflection of what you feel.

Gender change surgery – A life-changing experience

The choice of Sex Change Surgery in Vizag is effective in every sense, as it gives you self-confidence and zeal to live your life the way you wished for. Transformation is the way to make the journey better. So, it’s best that you consult the best cosmetic surgeon to attain the procedure in a successful and manageable manner. When you get the expertise of a skilled and trained surgeon, it helps you stay informed all the time. Additionally, you can understand better what to expect and how to deal with everything.

Procedures performed for a male to female gender change

Transgender is altogether a different and unique experience. Therefore as you begin the journey, this will make everything settled down with ease and comfort. The journey of male-to-female transition includes a number of procedures to attain the feminine look.

  • Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical approach to adding breast implants that are an important part of achieving a feminine look. The procedure comes under the feminine look for top surgery.

  • Facial feminization surgery

Facial feminization surgery focuses on correcting the feminine look through surgical methods. With FFS, different methods are including like:

  • Nose job surgery
  • Forehead or brow lift
  • Jawline contouring
  • Lip augmentation
  • Cheek implants


  • Laser hair removal

If you are concerned about the hair on your body, then you can begin the journey of laser hair removal to address the situation. The approach allows for to safe and permanent removal of all the hair. Depending on which body parts you want to get addressed, you can consult the cosmetic surgeon and plan the journey. Thus it is an important part of gender change surgery.

Prepare yourself for MTF surgery

Once you have discussed with the surgeon, you want to get the so-and-so procedure you need to begin the medical transition process. That means preparing yourself by having all the necessary resources and taking care of yourself properly. It’s better to keep all things handy so that during recovery, you don’t encounter any problems.

Are you looking for a surgeon to get gender change surgery?

In that case, VJ’s Transgender Clinic is your one-stop destination to attain the successful and most manageable journey for gender change. Discuss all your concerns and doubt with Dr. C Vijay Kumar and begin the exciting & beautiful transformation for gender change MTF.