female into male

Female to Male Sex Change Surgery; Its procedures and things needed to know

Female-to-male sex change surgery is a gender transition surgery that people who were born female undergo. There is an increase in the demand for Gender change surgery in India in the wake of more transgender and dysmorphic people coming forward with their identities. This demand has significantly made the prices of such surgeries affordable.

People suffering from dysmorphia undergo therapies like HRT and counseling before undergoing SRS Surgery in India. Their transition is completed after the surgery. 

Many studies have shown that people who opt for gender transition are the happiest of the lot. Their quality of life and standards gets enhanced to a different level.

A woman has to undergo many types of surgeries and procedures to complete the transition from female to male.

A Female to male transition surgery involves the removal of female organs and genitals. The male organs replace the female organs afterward.

There are five surgeries one has to go through to complete the transition from female to male.  

We are sharing the list of the surgeries which complete this transition given below:

  • Hysterectomy: In this process, the physician removes the uterus from a woman undergoing a female-to-male transition. It starts from Rs 71000.
  • Vaginectomy: In this procedure, the vaginal canal and openings are removed. Doctors reconstruct these tissues into male genitals. This surgery costs around Rs 62000.
  • Phalloplasty: this involves the formation of the penis and urinary tract. Lower arm tissues or thigh tissues are used in this process. This process consists of two stages. It costs around Rs 21000.
  • Metoidioplasty: It lengthens your existing genital tissues, converting them into a defined phallus. This only requires one surgery. The cost of metoidioplasty is around Rs 89288.

Facial Masculinisation surgery

It is the alteration and cosmetic changes made to the face and throat to make you look and feel more masculine. Facial surgery includes:

  • Forehead lengthening: Females have short foreheads. Forehead lengthening is done to increase the distance between the eyebrows and hairline to give you a more masculine look. It costs around Rs 84000.
  • Cheek Implants: They are placed between the bone and facial skin to develop a more masculine and elongated shape. It costs Rs 1,82,000.
  • Rhinoplasty: It involves the process of reshaping the nose to give it more big openings; it gives you a more masculine look. It costs around Rs 89,000.
  •  Jaw Contouring; In this procedure, the physician increases the width of your face by providing a definition between the lower face and throat. Its cost ranges between Rs 52,000 to R 1,57,000.

People who want to undergo this surgery need to look at things like post-surgery care, insurance, additional charges, etc, before opting for such a procedure. Such things can be a burden if not taken care of in the early stage.

To become a newer version of you with sex change surgeries, come to VJ Transgender Clinics for optimal results and care. We completely understand the transgender community and care for their health and well-being. It is the need of hour to consider the LGBT community as a part of our society.