
How much is the total cost of gender change surgery in India?

As we all know sex-change surgery is complex and there are different steps involved in it. One of the common concerns among the patients is the cost of gender change surgery. Bear in mind the price for the gender change surgery cost will depend on your needs which the doctor will evaluate after checking your condition. 

Psychiatrist evaluations for Gender Dysphoria

When you are about to begin your transition process, you will be asked to get gender dysphoria which a psychiatrist will carry out. Usually, it is carried out in one single sitting, and depending on your condition you will be asked whether you need to get further treatment or not. One session of ‘Gender Dysphoria’ on average is around Rs 2000 but it will also depend on the surgeon you choose and where it is present. 

Hormonal therapy for gender change surgery

Once the evaluation is done, the doctor will proceed with hormonal therapy. This is given for around 6 months and such visits will cost you Rs 5000/-. The transition of male to female or female to male needs proper planning. The hormones have to be taken rapidly so that the transition is possible just the way you want. Once the hormonal therapy is done you will be asked to visit the clinic again to get the clearance that you are ready to undergo the surgery. 

Schedule your initial consultation

If you would like to know more about the gender change surgery then schedule your initial consultation with our surgeon. Don’t get worried or feel nervous, as our surgeon is only there to give you the satisfactory and desired results you want.