Gender change Surgery

What are the different types of SRS techniques?

In this modern era, people feel their behavior is not the same as their gender. People who are transgender want to get their particular identity. These transgender surgeries are preferable to get a particular identity. Before opting for SRS surgery, go through with the different types of SRS techniques that are used in SRS Surgery. There are two types of SRS Techniques. 

What is the definition of Sex affirmation surgery? 

Transgender surgeries are also known as sex reassignment surgery. It is a procedure that is helpful for getting a particular Identity. Nowadays, it is the most preferable surgery for the transition of self-identified gender. 

Why do people prefer transgender Surgeries? 

People prefer transgender surgeries to match their physical body to their gender identity. They choose gender affirmation surgery because they do not want to experience the problem of gender Dysphoria. The issue of gender dysphoria causes stress because the sex assigned at the time of birth does not match your gender. You can also get a consultation about transgender surgery in India.

Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is a feeling that a person has because of the difference between the biological sex organ and the identity of gender. This dissatisfaction feeling can be so intense. In this condition, people will go for sex reassignment surgeries. 

Treatment of Gender dysphoria 

Gender dysphoria is not cured by surgeries only. There are some other ways of treating gender dysphoria. The methods of treatment depend on your preference and age.

  • Hormonal therapies: These therapies can increase masculine or feminine characteristics, such as the amount of your body hair and your vocal.
  • Blockers: Blockers block puberty to prevent you from going through puberty.
  • Therapies for vocal: These therapies can change your voice according to your gender.

Types of The Sex reassignment surgery techniques 

Penile Inversion SRS

The penis is 6 to 7 inches. For getting the natural depth of the vagina, the size of the penis is deducted. The reason is that about 3 to 4 inches of penile skin gets consumed for the creation of the clitoris hooding. Penile inversion is not the proper technique to achieve a satisfying full SRS result, as in almost all cases, this does not permit sexual intercourse. 

Full-Length Full-Thickness Scrotal Skin Graft SRS

The basic idea of the full graft vaginoplasty was to overcome the limitations of the penile inversion SRS/GCS, which stems from inverting the valued penile skin and using all or a big part of it to line the vagina with it. Also, it is geared to provide for a tension-free vulva/ vagina setup.

Sigmoid Colon SRS

Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty is designed to cover the skin penile inversion and full-length graft vaginoplasty techniques. A long segment of the sigmoid colon with its attached blood supply is used as the neovagina. The graft is sutured to the perineum via the open end. The result is a fully deep, naturally lubricating, and sensate vagina. 

Olmec sigma- lead GCS/SRS 

It is an advanced type of sigmoid colon SRS/GCS that is exclusively practiced at OLMEC and has become the preferred technique. 

Difference between transgender and nonbinary 

  • Transgender: Someone whose gender identity is different from the sex that was assigned at the time of birth is known as transgender. 
  • NonBinary: Someone who does not fit with the females and males with their gender. 

Types of transgender surgery

There are three types of transgender surgery. 

  • Facial reconstructive surgery: This surgery is beneficial for the reconstruction of facial features of masculine and feminine. 
  • Top surgery: The top surgery is also known as the chest surgery. In this surgery, the breast tissues are removed to give a masculine appearance. Also, it enhances the breast size and shape for a feminine appearance.
  • Genital and bottom surgery: The genitalia are transformed and reconstructed in the bottom surgery. 

Benefits and drawbacks of transgender surgeries

These surgeries are beneficial for people who experience gender dysphoria. The major benefit of these surgeries is they give peace and good mental health. The other benefit is that it gives a particular gender identity to the people. The medicines and diet are also expensive for the receiver. Doctors suggest having a high-protein diet and a liquid diet for a few days. However, surgeries are quite risky. Just like other surgeries, SRS surgeries also have some risks. The patient feels difficulties emptying the bladder. The other risks are bleeding, infection and some side effects of anesthesia. 

Transgender surgeries are the best option for people who want a particular identity according to their gender. Science makes it possible to give identities according to gender. For treatment, people search for the best hospital and clinic, and the VJ Transgender Clinic is the best clinic for these surgeries because they have the best surgeons that are expert in transgender surgeries.