Gender change Surgery

Sex change: Look for one of the best surgeons to get gender change surgery

Gender Change Surgery

Earlier, people used to feel ashamed to talk about this subject, or if someone told them they wanted to get themselves transformed from female to Male, then it was referred to as a sin. But thankfully, with time and changes made by the government and society, gender-change surgery is getting the necessary attention it deserves.

On top of it, sex-change surgery is a transfixing subject as most people in the past have made an effort to bring that change. Earlier, whether someone wanted to get male to female or female to male sex change surgery, most things happened clandestinely (as a secret or illicit practice). Moreover, even trans individuals wanted to keep it all secret, thinking that they would be judged by society or might not get accepted the way they wanted to.

History of sex-change surgery surgeons

Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld

One of the known surgeons was dedicated to changing the life of homosexuals for the better. He was the one who came up with the term ‘Transsexuality.’ His passion and care for the trans community show in his hard work that he gathered the people’s stories and worked towards getting accepted into society.

Dr. Harry Benjamin

In 1949, he came up with the term ‘Benjamin Syndrome.’ He was the first one who believed that it’s okay to change the body to match the identity a person feels. Whether someone wants to do that through hormonal therapy or surgery, both routes are considered normal.

Present Day Gender Change Surgeon: Bringing a change

Dr. C Vijay Kumar

Undoubtedly, what surgeons have done in the past is exceptional, and it takes effort. But, to ensure that necessary change is managed and the present-day trans community can seek the required benefits, today’s surgeons have to give their best. One such name as renowned gender reassignment surgeon is Dr. C Vijay Kumar. Experience of more than 40 years and still counting.

All the trans individuals seeking MTF or FTM surgery can seek the ultimate care under his expertise. The main goal of Dr. C Vijay Kumar is to help trans individuals seek the best treatment plan for themselves.

At VJ’s Transgender Clinic, the most pleasing and comfortable environment is created to assist the trans community to get the desired results with utmost satisfaction and safety. Here’s the list of most common gender reassignment surgical options:

  • Facial feminization
  • Forehead reconstruction
  • Dimple creation
  • Chin contouring
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Top surgery
  • Hysterectomy
  • Genital reconstruction
  • Much more!

Do you want to plan for gender reassignment surgery?

You can talk to the team or doctor anytime for any queries or doubts. We look forward to being a part of your journey.