male to female

MTF Surgery: How can you look feminine without getting more hormones?

Have you just started your gender change surgery phase?

Good luck!

Whether coming out was tough or easy for you, you want the transition phase to go the way you expected. This is the reason the medical assistance at this point is all-important. But, if you want your Male to female sex change surgery to be done without the need of getting hormones, then it’s possible. However, there are several things which you need to follow. In this blog, I will help you understand how to go through the transition phase without the need to get the necessary hormones.

Feminization without hormones: What does it mean?

Initially, everyone does not wish to get the gender affirmation surgical procedure. This is where trans individuals can be benefited through non-medical transitioning or social transitioning to change the way a person has been living life earlier.

No doubt, the transgender community has been benefited in a number of ways, and to make everyone accept their personal wishes, gradually changes are made in every sector. So, be it female into Male or Male into a female, everyone has their own right to how much they want to get the transition done through the surgery.

Gender change without hormones: How?

For hair

Hair is the first thing that transgender individuals love to change. So, in this case, you can take assistance from a hairstylist to help you get familiar with different styles, lengths, and colors. By doing so, you can choose the one as per your liking and get to enjoy your journey of being transgender.

Makeup skills

Makeup can break or make someone look. So, if you can use the makeup skills, you can definitely change your look whole together. There are a number of makeup options available out there, and you can even seek professional assistance to do it the right way. Like:

  • Foundation makes the skin smooth and covers the blemishes
  • Eyeliner gives the eyes a more defined look
  • Contour highlights all the major features of the face
  • Lipstick will change your lip color

You can even learn a lot of things from the makeup tutorial or enroll in makeup courses under the expertise of a trained course instructor.

Transform your wardrobe

Many think that they have to change their wardrobe to be socially acceptable. If you add in all the necessary accessories or change the clothing style, then automatically, your look will be different. You will look more closely at what gender you feel like. You can ask your family members to give you clothing to see what style fits you the most or looks good on you.

Change name

With the name change, a lot of things will change. As you have changed your name legally, you are in a better position, and this is the name through which you will be called by everyone.